Corporate gifts: 5 opportunities to thank your customers or colleagues

1. At the end… or at the beginning of the year
Since the dawn of time, companies have been offering end-of-year gifts, or a greeting card, to thank customers or employees for the work accomplished during the year, and that's very good! However, imagine that your gift will be in competition with many others and will therefore have to be very original for it to stand out. We often recommend giving this same gift at the beginning of the year, it will receive more attention then. Imagine, for example, giving a gift for Twelfth Day. We delivered personalized king cakes last year and it was greatly appreciated!
2. You are celebrating a jubilee
Is your company preparing to celebrate a jubilee and you want to mark the occasion? Such an event must be planned several months, even several years in advance, because different actions must be undertaken for your different audiences. A jubilee is most of the time accompanied by one or more corporate events with your employees, customers and partners. If you want to mark the occasion, handing out a gift during the event is a good way to engrave this memory. You can also take advantage of the new year to communicate on the different activities which will punctuate the jubilee year and accompany it with a personalized business gift .
3. You achieved good numbers
Most companies report their results every quarter, so this is a good time to thank your employees or customers for the results obtained or encourage them to do even better next quarter. In our experience, offering a little attention at the end of the first semester, just before the summer holidays, is always very appreciated. We recently proposed aperitif boxes including a bottle of rosé wine and snacks which caused a sensation!
4. In support of your employees
Your employees are sometimes temporarily overloaded with work due to company restructuring or a lack of staff. The latest example being COVID-19 which has forced many companies to review their ways of working. Support employees, show them their kindness, offer them a little kindness in this world of bullies!
5. Birthday gifts
Are your employees celebrating their birthday? On the big day, there's nothing like hand-delivering a gift, preferably from the boss, the head of human resources or the department manager. Do you work on different sites or remotely? Do you know your customers' birthdays? Have the gifts delivered directly to your employees or customers, guaranteed effect! Contact us !
NB: Remember, any distribution of customer gifts must be preceded by a strategy, namely your targets, your objectives and your budget. Depending on the type of gifts, planning several months in advance is necessary in order to be able to develop them. Read our article on your customer gift strategy in 5 steps on our blog.